Snowshoeing at One with Nature

Snowshoeing: Spectacular Relaxation

Snowshoes are worn over normal hiking boots and make it possible to walk on snow without sinking into it. Snowshoeing involves walking slowly up or down hill. It is a healthy low-impact sport on natural terrain. Snowshoers can go anywhere, even thick forests and between narrow cliffs. It is easier to learn than downhill skiing and provides an opportunity to really enjoy the landscape in detail. Snowshoeing is an easy way to make the most of the mountains in winter.
You can choose the length and difficulty of the excursion, without time constraints or lifts. Relaxing silence, encounters with local fauna, a snack in the shade of an old snowclad baita mountain house – these are just some of the treats awaiting you on your next snowshoeing excursion!

Travel on an easy mule track. Alpe dell’Ore offers unrivalled views of the north face of Disgrazia.
This excursion is recommended in spring, when the San Giuseppe – Chiareggio road is open. During winter (December, January, February) the best solution is to take the groomed road to Chareggio from San Giuseppe.
  • Departs from: Chiareggio (alt. 1593 m)
  • Elevation change: 400 m
  • Duration: 1.5 hours
  • Rest stop: bar and restaurants in Chiareggio, open year-round.

Follow the road from the carpark of the Barchi-San Giuseppe chairlift through pristine meadows and forests.
  • Departs from: Sa Giuseppe (alt. 1500 m)
  • Elevation change: 426 m
  • Duration: 1.5 hours
  • Rest stop: at the start (San Giuseppe)

This easy excursion is a veritable stroll and suitable for families with children. It winds its way over a snow-covered road and along a forest path and the route is straightforward.
  • Departs from: San Giuseppe (alt. 1500 m)
  • Elevation change: 510 m
  • Duration: 1.5 hours
  • Rest stops: along the way. Rifugio Barchi and La Gusa bar-restaurant at Barchi. Kiosks at Palù or I Campanacci restaurant at Alpe Palù

This is an interesting excursion without difficulty.
Drive up to Campo Franscia and follow signs for the trail, which is usually groomed.
At Alpe Musella, you can follow the trail down to Campascio and join up with the start of the Campolungo chairlift before descending to Campo Franscia.
Alpe Musella can also be reached from Campo Moro.
  • Departs from: Campo Franscia (alt. 1502 m)
  • Elevation change: 519 m
  • Duration: 2 hours
  • Rest stops: restaurants at Campo Franscia

A classic excursion with several options. You can climb from Alpe Largone, pass through Prabello and then descend to Campagneda. Otherwise, come back down the same route you took up in an out-and-back circuit, or traverse the Campagneda basin to Prabello.
The area is ideal for snowshoeing and is groomed regularly. (See details below)
  • Departs from: Alpe Largone (alt. 1800 m) – Parcheggio sulla strada per Campo Moro (alt. 1940 m)
  • Elevation change: 427 m – 290 m
  • Duration: 2–3 hours
  • Rest stops: Rifugio Cà Runcasch, open year-round at Campagneda
  • Rifugio Cristina, open Saturday and Sunday

Travel through forests of larch and mountain pine to the Alpe Lago basin. Access from first bend on the road to Primolo.
  • Departs from: Chiesa (alt. 1100 m)
  • Elevation change: 514 m
  • Duration: 1.5 hours
  • Rest stops: none

Carpark at Campagneda (1900 m) – Alpe Campascio (2078 m) – Alpe Campagneda (2145 m) – Passo di Campagneda
advanced excursion.
Drive from Franscia to just below Campo Moro (1900 m) where the trail to Alpe Campascio and Campagneda starts. Leave the car in the small carpark on the right and snowshoe up the first section along the road, followed by a wide path through the forest to Alpe Campascio (2078 m), which features beautiful wooden houses, and on to Alpe Campagneda (2145 m). On the right you can see the iconic peak of Pizzo Scalino (3323 m). Proceed by keeping Cornetto on your right as you climb up to Pizzo Scalino. Further on you will see many lakes and ponds that are either frozen over or covered in snow, according to the season. Not long after the first snowfalls of the season, the landscape is quite spectacular, with the emerald green waters standing out against the pure white of the snowclad surroundings. After several hillocks on the trail, head towards the obvious cut in the Scalino range formed by the Pizzo Canciano peak and the dark rocky Monte Spodascia (2867 m). The wide saddle of the pass offers magnificent vistas over the outermost peaks of Valmalenco, such as Scalino, Disgrazia and the entire Bernina range, and the distant mountains of other valleys in Lombardy. You can also continue on down a brief descent to the relatively close Canciano pass (2464 m), which leads into Val Poschiavo, in Switzerland.

Carpark at Campagneda – Alpe Campascio – Prabello e Rifugio Cristina
Easier excursion.
This is the perfect snowshoeing excursion. Easy going and without great changes in elevation, it offers some of the most beautiful views in the Lombardian Alps, created by the contrast of gentle snowclad slopes and the sharp snowy crags of Pizzo Scalino. From the refuge, continue straight for several metres and then head off to the right (yellow signs to Rifugio Cristina). Be careful not to descend towards the Alpe Largone refuge or along the summer road. Stay at the same altitude and walk along a flat section before traversing several inclines without marked routes. After several sparse, low-growing larches, there is a short climb from the top of which you can just make out the Alpe Prabello basin. Descend a little and continue towards Pizzo Scalino. Shortly after this, Alpe Prabello’s little church will come into view, followed by a group of baita mountain houses and Rifugio Cristina (2287 m). The basin is one of rare beauty, created by the marriage of the natural landscape and manmade constructions, primarily represented by the lovingly renovated traditional stone baite. The stone chapel is the ideal subject for painters, backed as it is by the majestic and infinitely elegant profile of Monte Disgrazia. Pizzo Scalino dominates the meadows of Alpe Prabello, while in the distance you can make out the dark profiles of Pizzo Moro, Argient (3945 m) and Zupo (3995), a few of the majestic peaks in the Bernina range.

Valmalenco’s mountain guides are the best way to enjoy your excursions on the snow in complete safety. The winter calendar features numerous guided moonlit snowshoe excursions.


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Afternoon: close




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